
moving forward step-by-step, brick-by-brick

Our church has embarked on a process of renovation and we are excited to see progress take place! Phase 1 is complete and we are underway on phase 2. Want to check out some of the progress? Call the church office to let us know you’d like to stop by sometime!

The leadership at Christian Renewal has a united vision of updating our facilities. Growth is happening at our church and it’s an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing in our community of faith.

Three points we are asking you to commit to prayer:

  1. Pray for safety and efficiency for all the contractors and workers who will work diligently to make this a reality.

  2. Pray for our leadership to have continued wisdom in the planning and execution of the project.

  3. Seek and ask God if and how much He is leading you to give financially towards this project.

From Pastor Mark: "Since my beginning as Senior Pastor I told you I would never ask you to give money you didn't have, pledge money you don't know that you'll have or pressure you into giving. The only thing I will ever do is ask you to seek God and allow Him to lead you in your giving and stewardship. No matter the amount, you can play a crucial part in building the future generations of our church. Everyone matters. Everything counts. I'm personally excited about this new opportunity and I know that together we can see it come to fruition."

A special fund has been set up for this endeavor called Heart for the House.

Ways to give financially:

1. Mail cash or check: put Heart for the House in the memo line on your check or a note with your cash offering.
Christian Renewal Church
P.O. Box 1218 Brunswick, GA 31521

2. Deliver your giving to the church office.

3. Give online via debit/credit or ACH. Click the button below.